
Brand Retail Group Holding B.V.

  • Trustee:Frédéric (F.) Verhoeven
  • Office:Amsterdam
  • Visiting address:Gustav Mahlerplein 50
    1082 MA Amsterdam
  • Mailing address:P.O. Box 75505
    1070 AM Amsterdam
  • Tel. No.:+31 20 605 63 32

Brand Retail Group Holding B.V.

Holdings (geen financiële)

General information

  • Name:Brand Retail Group Holding B.V.
  • Place:Amsterdam
  • Province:Noord-Holland
  • Status:Bankruptcy
  • Date:05-11-2019
  • Ch. Of Comm.:58602208
  • Insolvency No.:F13/19/357
  • Court:Amsterdam
  • Changed:30-04-2024
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Publications and reports

26-04-2024: Faillissementsverslag nummer 15 is gepubliceerd.